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[Roommate] Queens, NY
JIVAN SHRESTHA :: Room available from oct 1 ..
[Room] Revere, MA
Lomas :: READY TO MOVE available for rent at convinient location ...
[Room] Alexandria, VA
Sangita Nagarkoti :: Room available..
[Room] Herndon, VA
K sharma :: Room for Rent..
[Room] Fairfax, VA
Manju sharma :: Basement room available 1room with attached full bathroom separate kitchen for couple ..
[Room] Malden, MA
Chandra :: Room available for rent ..
[Room] Everett, MA
Sony :: Room for rent in Everett..
[Room] Charlotte, NC
Manoj :: Two bedroom Apartment in a home with full kitchen and living area available September 1st..
[Room] Revere, MA
Prem Ghimire :: 2 Rooms Available..
[Room] Centreville, VA
Aj :: Walkout Basment available Only for Nepali..
[Room] Chantilly, VA
Madan Subedi :: Basement for Rent..
[Room] Chantilly, VA
Sharma :: Room Available..

Sep 20, 2024
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Aj :: has Room (Room/Roommates) available in Centreville, VA
Walkout Basment available Only for Nepali
Town House basement for rent. This is a 2 bedroom basement in a townhouse in Centeville near Westfield area VA 20120 with a full bathroom, full refrigerator, microwave, hotplate, utilities, and FIOS high speed internet included, and has private entrance. Basement is the ground level with a sunlight. Small kitchen sink and microwave. it is available for rent . Available from October 1st. Also, this is a one-year lease agreement, and a one-month security deposit and the first month's rent are required. The area is very safe and quiet. School are great.Looking for clean, quiet and respectful single, couple or small family only When you reply, please let me know: A little bit about yourself; When do you need to move in text messages please this number 571-524-9529Aj

भाडामा टाउन हाउसको बेसमेन्ट

यो सेन्टरभिलको वेस्टफिल्ड क्षेत्र नजिकै VA 20120 मा रहेको दुई कोठाको बेसमेन्ट हो। यसमा पूर्ण बाथरूम, पूर्ण फ्रिज, माइक्रोवेभ, हटप्लेट, युटिलिटीज, र FIOS उच्च गतिको इन्टरनेट समावेश छ, र निजी प्रवेशद्वार छ। बेसमेन्ट जमिनको स्तरमा छ र घामको प्रकाश पाउँछ। सानो भान्साको सिंक र माइक्रोवेभ छ। यो भाडामा उपलब्ध छ। अक्टोबर १ देखि उपलब्ध। यो एक वर्षको लिज सम्झौता हो, र एक महिनाको सुरक्षा निक्षेप र पहिलो महिनाको भाडा आवश्यक छ। क्षेत्र धेरै सुरक्षित र शान्त छ। स्कूलहरू उत्कृष्ट छन्। सफा, शान्त र सम्मानजनक एकल, जोडी वा सानो परिवार मात्र खोज्दैछौं। जब तपाईं जवाफ दिनुहुन्छ, कृपया मलाई थाहा दिनुहोस्: तपाईंको बारेमा थोरै जानकारी; तपाईं कहिले सर्नु पर्छ। कृपया यस नम्बरमा टेक्स्ट सन्देशहरू पठाउनुहोस् 571-524-9529Aj

Phone no: 571-524-9529
Approximate price: US$ 1300
Posted:: September 16, 2024
This posting will expire on:: 15-Nov-24
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