Lokendra Yonghang ::
has Nanny/Babysitter Job (Jobs) available in Everett, MA
Hi anyone is looking extra part time job please contact me. 405-506-5258 this person care assistant for my son simon, he is autistic 6 year old . this is everett needed work permit now we have approval for 10.15 minutes per week and hourly 19.50 and upcoming year we are requesting more hours and it will go up . we are looking specially at weekend Saturday and sunday. Note work permit ,because mass health and state gov will pay please do not call me if you have no work permit. This is long term job state will pay not me, We prefer female, Thank you. location everett, MA USA.
Phone no: 405,506,5258
Phone no: 405,506,5258
Approximate price: US$ 19.50 per hour
Posted:: October 21, 2024
This posting will expire on:: 20-Dec-24
This posting will expire on:: 20-Dec-24
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